Any Questions?, The Early Issues

What Did Mr. Rogers Read?

Read? Wow. The Brewington community helps each other, but studios can transform the nice people into monsters. They shout “Magoosh” from the hilltops and shout out to the pizza delivery boys. They do the accounting and only find a Buck. Mr. Rogers used to say “I like you just the way you are,” and meant it.

Mr. Rogers would be a genius if he were still alive. He would be a computer genius, downloading male porn. He would do it and read Naked Lunch while learning French and listening to the golden oldies on the radio. He’d be a rad Kenny Rogers zombie monster in his last interview. The community would grow and they would stack houses on top of one another to keep up with the times.

You don’t want to know.

AM 2200 station rundown sheet
AM 2200 Classic Radio File
“It always helps to have people we love beside us when we have to do difficult things in life.”

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